We can organize weekend trips at the beginning or end of each course, or during the course if desired. Prices vary depending on time of the year, mode of transportation and accommodation and activities desired.
Excursions with Trivium
Every afternoon we offer activities, which are included in the price, and we invite our Spanish students to participate as well. A teacher from the academy always accompanies the group. Transportation to some places and the price of entrance are not always included. Activities vary depending on the weather.

Madrid - Weekend trips
From 120,00 €
We organise weekend excursions to Madrid with transport, guided tours, flamenco shows, tapas, accommodation and much more. We adapt to your budget. Cuenca and Madrid are well connected by expressway (A40), by the AVE, or high-speed train, which takes 50 minutes and by the regional train, a more economic form a travel, which takes just over 2 hours. There are also regular coach bus lines between the cities, with buses departing every 2 hours.

Valencia - Weekend trips
From 180,00 €
We organise weekend trips to Valencia (with 1 or 2 nights). Transport, guided tour, paella, monuments, tapas, accommodation, bike rental and much more. We adapt to your budget.
The AVE, or high-speed train, can take you from Cuenca to Valencia (and the beach) in 55 minutes. Coach buses and the regional train also travel between the cities. Half of the journey can also be made on Expressway A3.

From 25,00 €
Toledo is just 2 hours from Cuenca. The best way to get there is via Expressway A40. We recommend that you visit it during the week. Transport, visit to the main monuments, guided tour, food and much more. We adapt to your budget.

From 50,00 €
Situated in the Aragón region and belonging to the Teruel province, this impressive city was built of red sandstone. During the trip from Cuenca to Albarracín, you will pass through a unique landscape until you arrive at the source of the River Tajo.

From 60,00 €
Daily AVEs (high-speed trains) leave and travel direct from Cuenca to Córdoba. The trip takes 2 hours. We recommend spending an entire weekend there.

From 75,00 €
Daily AVEs (high-speed trains) leave and travel direct from Cuenca to Seville. The trip takes 3 hours. We recommend spending an entire weekend there.

Belmonte castle
and mills
From 30,00 €
The castle at Belmonte has recently been restored and can be found just 70km from Cuenca. The castle has a long history and has served many purposes, including as a filming location. Transporte, visita con audioguias y paseo a los molinos.

Roman Cities
From 30,00 €
There are many Roman cities in the province, including Valeria, Ercávica and Segóbriga.

Cerro del Socorro
The Cerro del Socorro (Hill of Assistance) is one of the hills that surround the city of Cuenca. From the top there are incredible views of the whole city and the two canyons. It is a perfect place to have a picnic or see sunrise or sunset.

The Toba dam
Price on request.
One of the most important dams of the region, the Toba Dam is about 40km from Cuenca. The dam is some 1,200 meters high. There are different places in the surrounding area to swim or walk.

Ciudad Encantada
Price on request.
The Ciudad Encantada (Enchanted City) is a natural tourism site in the mountains of Cuenca. Here you can see monumental limestone rock formations created by nature itself. We will also explore a cave and cross through the mountainside to see some incredible views.

Embalse de la Eléctrica
Price on request.
Downstream along the Júcar and along the other regional rivers are many dams; almost all of these unique places are suitable for swimming.

Cuenca´s artificial beach
5,00 €
Cuenca's artificial beach can be found in the lower part of the city in the Júcar Canyon, some 2km from Cuenca. You can swim in the river or in the pool. The beach has a picnic area, a restaurant and kayaks and rowboats available to rent. Above the beach you can see the "Old City" of Cuenca. Cuenca a lo alto.

Valverde del Júcar
Price on request.
Another swimming hole is the Valverde del Júcar Dam, one of the largest dams in Spain. It is possible to rent sailboats, kayaks and much more at reasonable prices.

Cañamares artificial beach
Price on request.
The town of Cañamares can be found along the road to Guadalajara. Here, the river forms a small dam and it is possible to go swimming at the artificial beach.

Guided tour of the city
At the initiation of each course we provide students with a guided tour of the Canyon and the "Old City" of Cuenca so that they can familiarize themselves with the architecture and history of Cuenca and the Castilla-La Mancha region. For school groups we also organize gymkhanas.

Legends Night Walk
During this nighttime walk with both foreign and Spanish students, you will learn about the most interesting legends of Cuenca while standing in the exact places where they supposedly took place. In this activity, as in all of our activities, we aim to integrate all of the students participating in the different academy courses.

Tapas or paella
From 15,00 €
We have lunches and dinners with all of our students in local restaurants, so that the students can experience Spanish gastronomy.